RECOGNIZED BY: Bihar Olympic Association
AFFILIATED TO: WAKO India Kickboxing Federation (WAKO India)
RECOGNIZED BY: Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports (MYAS), Government of India
Bihar Kickboxing Association has been primarily established with the sole objective to organize, encourage, and promote the game of kickboxing in the region by providing proper training facilities to Bihar Kickboxing Players.
For organizing, encouraging, promotion and managing the Sport of Kickboxing in State of Bihar.
To impart useful knowledge and modern techniques in Kickboxing by publishing literature in any form and participating in seminars in India and abroad.
To organize Sub-Junior, Junior, Senior State level Championships and regularly conducting competitions for selection in Indian Team and participation at various National & International Level Championships.
To arrange regular training seminars and workshops throughout the region for Judges, Coaches and Technical Officials for advancement in their knowledge & techniques.
WAKO India Kickboxing Federation is the National Governing Body to control and develop Kickboxing Sport activities, in all age groups and styles both in male and female categories, in India.
WAKO India also has membership of Asian & International Federations working under Olympic Charter and Fold.
World Ranking
Asian Ranking
State Affiliates
Global Presence
Recognition at school level
Recognition at university level